My ministry as Archbishop of Canterbury has shown me just how insular we “first world” Christians can be. With his wonderful vision of the global Church, Paul G. Chandler has written a book that brings its glorious diversity and riches to life. I warmly commend it as an encouragement and a challenge to us all.
- Lord Carey, 103rd Archbishop of Canterbury
Churches with white steeples, people arranged in orderly pews, choruses of “Rock of Ages” and “Great is Thy Faithfulness” – this is often the limited view Americans have of the Christian faith. In God’s Global Mosaic, Paul G. Chandler reveals a broader, richer and compelling view of the Christian faith as a world-wide faith; a view that speaks to the bigness of our God and the diversity of God’s purposes for all the nations.
- Richard E. Stearns, former President, World Vision
You will want to read the interesting (sometimes surprising, often moving, many humorous) stories and illustrations in Paul G. Chandler’s book, God’s Global Mosaic. It is my prayer that you will be blessed, encouraged, and challenged as you read about your Christian brothers and sisters in cultures vastly different from your own, and yet all joined together in one family of God!
- the late Dr. Billy Graham
I really liked this book because Paul G. Chandler shows us ministry at its best. It is a style that is marked by listening and learning from indigenous Christians. It is about partnering with Christians from around the world in the task of contextualizing the Gospel.
- Tony Campolo, Ph.D., author, activist and Professor Emeritus at Eastern College
God’s Global Mosaic takes off the cultural blinders and exposes us to the profound and sometimes provocative perspectives of non-Western Christians.
- Dr. Wesley K. Stafford, former President, Compassion International
Paul G. Chandler’s book is a “must” read . . . I gave copies to all of our senior staff. I heartily recommend it.
- Dr. Eugene B. Habecker, former President, American Bible Society